Subdomain takeover from scratch to advance
Sub-domain Takeover :...
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Image encryption using cellular automata
To propose an image encryption system using one dimensional cellular automata for image encryption and decryption. Cellular automata can be corresponded with the essential cryptographic properties i.e. Balance, correlation-immune, nonlinearity, easy to implement in hardware. CA cryptosystems can give better performances compared to classic methods that are based on computational techniques. Therefore, this technique should be most favourable for cryptography....
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Classification of Algorithms with Examples
There are many ways of classifying algorithms and a few of them are shown below:...
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Why is Binary Search log n?
Binary search is a popular algorithm used to search for an element in a sorted list efficiently. In this article we can going to understand why binary search has a time complexity of O(log2 n)....
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Name some Queue implementations and compare them by efficiency of operations
A queue is a linear data structure in which insertion is done from one end called the rear end and deletion is done from another end called the front end. It follows FIFO (First In First Out) approach. The insertion in the queue is called enqueue operation and deletion in the queue is called dequeue operation....
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Generate an N-length permutation such that absolute difference between adjacent elements are present in the range [2, 4]
Given a positive integer N, the task is to construct a permutation of first N natural numbers such that the absolute difference between adjacent elements is either 2, 3, or 4. If it is not possible to construct such a permutation, then print “-1”....
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XOR of a subarray (range of elements) | Set 2
Given an array integer arr[] of size N and Q queries. Each query is of the form (L, R), where L and R are indices of the array. The task is to find the XOR value of the subarray arr[L…R]....
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Minimum concatenation required to get strictly LIS for the given array
Given an array A[] of size n where there are only unique elements in the array. We have to find the minimum concatenation required for sequence A to get strictly Longest Increasing Subsequence. For array A[] we follow 1 based indexing....
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Find the Smallest number that divides X^X
Given a number X, find the Smallest Number, which is greater than 1, that divides XX. In the given question, X is always presumed to be greater than 1.Examples:...
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Check if a Sequence is a concatenation of two permutations
Given an array arr containing positive integers, the task is to check if the given array arr is a concatenation of two permutations or not. A sequence of M integers is called a permutation if it contains all integers from 1 to M exactly once. Examples:...
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Sum of numbers in a range [L, R] whose count of divisors is prime
Given Q queries where each query consists of an integer range [L, R], the task is to find the sum of the integers from the given range whose count of divisors is prime.Examples:...
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Find the sum of prime numbers in the Kth array
Given K arrays where the first array contains the first prime number, the second array contains the next 2 primes and the third array contains the next 3 primes and so on. The task is to find the sum of primes in the Kth array.Examples:...
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